Welcome to our website!

At Get a Clean we understand that finding an honest and reliable cleaning contractor offering quality result on a reasonable rate often proves difficult. We also understand that promising a professional service (…like cleaning companies often do…) should not only be a marketing tool, this promise should stand and deliver!

Our core values are:
tailor made * quality * reliability * flexibility

We are proud to say that our core values are proven to be working well, as most of our new customers are introduced by recommendations. More often than not we are ending up servicing our longstanding Client`s friends, neighbours and families as they are passing our number on for residential or commercial cleaning services.

We are simply passionate about what we do and believe our greatest asset is the hand-picked, strong, highly trained team combined with our ability to deliver a completely tailored and flexible service to our Clients.

Rekha from E14

I have known Bernadette for nearly 6 years now and I have to say in all these years I have never had a chance to complain. Cleaners coming to clean have always been very professional. They provide excellent service. Will accommodate ad-hoc cleaning requests. Have recommended them to lot of my friends already and will definitely recommend their service again.

Natalie from IG8

Bernadette and her wonderful cleaners have been cleaning my residential property for over a year now after I was recommended to her company. She is very efficient and professional and I like that I can contact her any time to ask for extra things to be done or change a date or timings if needed be. My cleaners are reliable, friendly and more importantly very good at their job

Chigwell and Hainault Synagogue

We have used Bernadette and her cleaning team for over 2 years now and we could not be happier. Bernadette is so easy to deal with, we have a great communication links with her and she is always on hand if we have any queries. Her whole cleaning team do an amazing job and leave no stone unturned. Thank you so much to all at Get a Clean

Tony from N1

Excellent, consistent and trustworthy service. No matter who comes to the house the standard of work is first class, I can`t recommend the services highly enough

Paula from E18

Another fabulous clean from Anita. It felt like I have arrived to a 5* hotel when I got home today! Thank you